Upload an Article or YouTube Video

To submit your work to Nonprofit Insights, use the form below. Please ensure your content is well-structured, proofread, and ready for publication.

Once submitted, our team will review your content and, if approved, publish it on our platform. We may also provide feedback and request revisions to ensure the content meets our standards and resonates with our readers.

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A 5-Minute Checklist for Sharing Your Content on Nonprofit Insights

Here’s a checklist to streamline your submission process, ensuring you’re fully prepared and can complete the form within five minutes.

Author Details:

  • Prepare your full name and email address. Ensure your email address is the one you use frequently in case we need to contact you for further information or confirmation.

Author Bio:

  • Write a brief, engaging biography with links to your social media profiles, website, and company or organization. This is your chance to promote yourself and your work, so make sure this bio is comprehensive and compelling.
  • Choose a high-quality profile picture that is at least 500×500 pixels. This photo should be professional and representative of you.

Post Details:

  • If you are sharing a written article, have the full text ready. Make sure it is proofread and prepared for publication.
  • If you’re sharing a YouTube video, ensure you have the correct URL to the video. Please double-check that the video is set to public view.
  • Have the title of your post ready. This should be a compelling title that accurately represents your content.
  • If relevant, have the link to the original post on hand. This can be from your blog, a publication, or any platform where the post was initially published.
  • Prepare a short excerpt from your post that will capture readers’ attention and make them want to read more.
  • Select a high-quality featured image that is at least 1000×500 pixels. This image should be representative of your post’s content.

By preparing these elements beforehand, you should be able to complete the form in about five minutes.

Thank you for choosing to share your work on Nonprofit Insights. We are excited to feature your content and help you reach a wider audience. We appreciate your contributions to our community of thought leaders in the nonprofit sector.